
水町 渉 Wataru MIZUMACHI
カテゴリ: 第8回


On March 11th,2011, 4th largest earthquake attacked Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant and around one hour later, the enormous Tsunami attacked it also. After the large earthquake attacked, the automatic shutdown was performed and the emergency diesel generators automatically started and Is olation condenser cooled down the core for unit 1 and RCIC cooled down the cores for unit 2 and 3. However, the large Tsunami damaged all emergency diesel generators and all ECCS pumps. The core melted and the hydrogen gas were generated by the steam and the zircaloy reaction. The hyd rogen leaked into the reactor building and then the reactor building blasted by the hydrogen. IAEA has organized the Great East Japan Earthquake Expert Mission on Fukushima-daiichi accident and they reported to the formal meeting in the headquater in Viena.. They made 15 conclusions an d 16 lessons and learned. IAEA chairman officially summarized 28 recommendations from them. USNRC published “Recommendations for Enhanuing Reactor Safety in the 21st Century “where they summarized 12 Recommendations on Fukushima Accident. Here is the summary of these recommendations .
