
Study on seismic safety of the small bore piping and support system
石黒 三 Takami ISHIGURO 江藤 和敏 Kazutoshi ETO 池田 和豊 Kazutoyo IKEDA 吉井 俊明 Toshiaki YOSHII 近藤 正美 Masami KONDO 平山 大作 Daisaku HIRAYAMA
カテゴリ: 第6回


Since seismic safety is one of the major key issues of nuclear power plant safety, it has been demonstrated that nuclear piping system possesses large safety margins by various durability test reports for piping in ultimate conditions. Though the kno wledge of safety margin has been accumulated from these reports, there still remain some technical uncertainties about the phenomenon when both piping and support structures show inelastic behavior in extremely high seismic excitation level. In order to obtain the influences of inelastic behavior of the support structures to the whole piping system response when both piping and support structures show inelastic behavior, we examined seismic proving tests and we conducted simulation analyses for t he piping system which focused on the inelastic behavior of the support to the whole piping system response. This paper introduces major results of the seismic shaking tests of the piping and support system and the simulation analyses of these tests.
