浜岡5号機 駿河湾の地震に伴うタービン保全復旧報告

Maintenance Report of Hamaoka Nuclear Power Station Reactor No. 5 Turbine Damaged by Suruga Bay Earthquake
長谷川 義朗 Yoshirou HASEGAWA 堀井 一明 Kazuaki HORII 青木 薫 Kaoru AOKI 柴下 直昭 Naoaki SHIBASHITA
カテゴリ: 第7回


Hamaoka Nuclear Power Station Reactor No. 5 was automatically shut down when an earthquake occurred in Suruga Bay on August 11, 2009. A special maintenance plan for inspections to verify the soundness of equipment and facilities in Hamaoka Nucle ar Power Station was formulated following the earthquake. The main steam turbine in Hamaoka Nuclear Power Station Reactor No. 5 was inspected based on the plan. The middle standard bearing box, which had the thrust bearing of the turbine was fou nd to lift slightly from the turbine base. Deformation of the fixing bolts and keys of the middle standard bearing box was also observed. The phenomena indicated that the turbine rotor remarkably moved along the axial direction relatively to th e stationary blades due to the earthquake. In this paper, the results of the inspections conducted on the turbine in Hamaoka Nuclear Power Station Reactor No. 5, especially repair and restoration of the middle standard bearing box are described.
