
Wearable Computing for Support Systems at Work Site of Nuclear Plant
重山 武蔵 Musashi SHIGEYAMA 尾崎 健司 Kenji OSAKI 廣瀬 行徳 Yukinori HIROSE 加藤 貴来 Takaki KATO
カテゴリ: 第13回


We propose a new support system at work site using wearable devices, which can navigate some task, check some drawings and communicate with remote office. In recent years, mobile devices like tablet PCs, head-mount-display or cameras has become compact enough to wear, and these have been used in work site, such as plant, factory or warehouse. In order to improve the workability and accuracy in maintenance, surveillance or patrol to be carried out in nuclear power plants, we developed the support system consisting of the wearable devices. This system is composed of the stick PC, head-mount-display, wearable camera, dosimeter and earphone microphone. This report shows the result of implementing the sharing pictures or drawing in work site and office, hands-free calling and dose management.
