サブテラヘルツ波イメージングによる絶縁被覆ケーブルの非破壊検査応用 Application for non-destructive inspection of metal cable covered with insulator by using sub-terahertz wave imaging

木村 隆 Takashi KIMURA 佐藤 陽平 Yohei SATO 小山 裕 Yutaka OYAMA 田邉 匡生 Tadao TANABE
カテゴリ: 第13回


A novel non-destructive inspection method using terahertz waves for the detection of broken wires in copper cables shielded by insulating polymer opaque in the visible and near infrared light region is presented. Terahertz reflection imaging, using a 0.14THz IMPATT oscillator and a Schottky barrier detector, was applied to insulated PC steel wires and copper cables that had been artificially damaged. The internal wires embedded in the opaque polyethylene can be clearly visualized using THz radiation. It was shown that a gap in a wire can be detected by a decrease in the intensity of the reflected signal where the size of the gap is greater than the wavelength of the oscillator.
