東北大学における 原子炉廃止措置基盤研究・人材育成事業の実施状況

Current status in Tohoku University fundamental research on nuclear decommissioning and human resources development project
青木 孝行 Takayuki AOKI 渡邉 豊 Yutaka WATANABE 新堀 雄一 Yuichi NIIBORI 原 信義 Nobuyoshi HARA
カテゴリ: 第13回


Since the Great Eastern Japan Earthquake, the most important issue that we have to face in reconstruction and local renewal is the safe decommissioning of Tokyo Electric Power Company's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant reactors. Tohoku University is one of the first institutions to formulate diverse recovery projects in order to support the resolution of various difficulties that materialized after the disaster. One of these pillar projects that the university has undertaken is the Reactor Decommissioning Project. And now, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology has chosen our project; and the “Program for Nuclear Reactor Decommissioning Research and Human Resources Development“ has been activated in earnest. This paper outlines the current implementation status of the program.
