PD 資格試験開始から9 年の実施状況

Current status for nine years after the start of PD qualification examination in Japan
渡辺 恵司 Keiji WATANABE 東海林 一 Hajime SHOHJI 秀 耕一郎 Koichiro HIDE 太田 丈児 Joji OHTA
カテゴリ: 第12回


The PD Center of Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry (CRIEPI) commenced Performance Demonstration examinations for flaw depth sizing of austenitic stainless steel pipes in March 2006. At the end of FY 2014, 42 examination sessions have been completed and 53 candidates have passed the examination. The total number of tests administered including re-tests and re-certification was 99. Passed candidates can perform depth sizing of IGSCC flaws with a high level of accuracy. For the final determination of IGSCC crack depths in Japanese PD examinations, phased-array ultrasonic testing technique is used more often than conventional ultrasonic testing or other techniques. The correct answer rate will decrease when the ultrasonic testing time concerning a test answer requires 2.5 hours or more.
