リスク評価指標とレジリエンス指標を組み合わせた 経年プラントの総合評価
Development of Comprehensive Safety Assessment Method for Aging Nuclear Power Plant Using Risk Index and Resilience Index
杉山 直紀 Naoki SUGIYMA 宮野 廣 Hiroshi MIYANO 山口 彰 Akira YAMAGUCHI 出町 和之 Kazuyuki DEMACHI 高田 孝 Takashi TAKATA
Accident ManagementAging Management and System SafetySafety AssessmentSevere Accident
Development of Comprehensive Safety Assessment Method for Aging Nuclear Power Plant Using Risk Index and Resilience Index
杉山 直紀 Naoki SUGIYMA 宮野 廣 Hiroshi MIYANO 山口 彰 Akira YAMAGUCHI 出町 和之 Kazuyuki DEMACHI 高田 孝 Takashi TAKATA
カテゴリ: 第12回
キーワードタグ:Accident ManagementAging Management and System SafetySafety AssessmentSevere Accident
We have established a procedure for comprehensive safety assessment of aging plant using a combination of two indices; risk index and resilience index. And, we have identified important equipment using a simple resilience index and have extracted failure mode using a risk index with detailed plant model. Those were applied to three loop PWR plant as trials. We are reporting its summary and considering the effectiveness of the resilience index.