3 次元複雑曲面形状向け 超音波伝播シミュレーション技術の開発

Development of Ultrasonic Propagation Simulation Technique for Three-Dimensional Complex Curved Surface Shape
大島 佑己 Yuki OHSHIMA 三木 将裕 Masahiro MIKI 小室 秀孝 Hidetaka KOMURO 江原 和也 Kazuya EHARA
カテゴリ: 第12回


In the ultrasonic testing for periodic inspection of nuclear power plants, it is necessary to decide the inspection condition and probe scanning range before the inspection. Especially, ultrasonic propagation analysis was difficult for complex curved component such as nozzle parts. Therefore, we have developed an ultrasonic propagation simulation technique for three-dimensional complex curved objects based on the definition of curved surface functions and virtual scanner. We can examine appropriate inspection conditions by the calculation that simulated real inspection devices. For example, we can analyze the necessary probe scanning range of the virtual scanner easily, and the three-dimensional visualization of the analysis result is possible, too. We got the perspective that could upgrade the inspection planning at the ultrasonic testing by using the developed simulation technique.
