
Application of Filtered Containment Venting System to the Shimane No.2 NPP
須澤 克則 Katsunori SUZAWA 柏倉 潤 Toshimitsu USUI 臼井 利光 Keita NAITOU 内藤 慶太 Jun KASHIWAKURA 串間 友紀子 Yukiko KUSHIMA
カテゴリ: 第11回


Urgent safety measures which secure power supply and cooling function and prevent flood are being implemented promptly in Shimane nuclear power station to prevent damage of nuclear r eactors and the spent fuel based on Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident from tsunami caused by the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake on March 11, 2011.In or der to improve the safety of the power station furthermore, various safety measures such as enhancement of basic design facilities to prevent severe accident from happening and insta llation of additional facilities to prevent it from expanding are also being implemented earnestly with consideration for multiplicity and diversity of the measures to secure its sa fety. As for safety measures for Shimane No.2 nuclear power plant, the plan of the safety measures have been submitted to NRA as applications for Establishment Permission, Construct ion Permission and applications of amendments to be assessed on the basis of the New Regulation effectuated on July, 2013. The validity of the plan is now under review. This paper e lains the outline of the safety measures of Shimane No.2 nuclear power plant and the design outline and current status of the installation of Filtered Containment Venting System (F S). FCVS is one of the important facilities of all safety measures to prevent severe accident from expanding, and it is applied to Japanese nuclear power plant for the first time.
