
Necessity of Countermeasures for Hurricane, Typhoon and Cyclone in Accordance with the Progress of Global Warming
奈良林 直 Tadashi NARABAYASHI 杉山 憲一郎 Kenichiro SUGIYAMA
カテゴリ: 第11回


In recent years, according to the progress of global warming, hurricanes and typhoons getting bigger and bigger, about 20% increase per decade. Hurric anes and typhoons are given thermal energy from vaporizing steam from surfe of sea water. Hurricane Sandy attacNed New YorN on 22-29, Oct. 2012. Ty phoon 26th attacNed Ohshima, Oct. 2013, and Typhoon 30th attacNed Philippine on Nov. 4-11. Tropical cyclone Phailin attacNed India on Oct. 12, 2013. I ts diameter was 2300Nm. They were all category 5. Human beings are now on e front of the natural disasters. We thinN the risN is higher than active aults that moves only several thousand years period. In the US, a nuclear wer plant stopped its operation when a category 5 hurricane arrived nearb y, which was monitored from a weather satellite. The countermeasures for tnado and tsunami will be effective for typhoon. NRA found the lacN of des iption in the new regulatory guideline and they said the management plan should be considered by licensees. The Japan Society of Maintenology will s rt preparing the guideline for typhoon.
