高速増殖原型炉「もんじゅ」の保全の在り方 ‐高速増殖炉劣化メカニズムの整理‐

Principles of MONJU Maintenance - Ageing phenomena of FBR for maintenance-
山下 裕宣 Hironobu YAMASHITA 山口 篤憲 Atsunori YAMAGUCHI 青木 孝行 Takayuki AOKI
カテゴリ: 第11回


Because a fast breeder reactor (FBR) uses sodium as a coolant and there exist systems and components unique to FBR, aging phenomena to be considered in FBR are quite different from ones in a light water reactor (LWR). Therefore it is required to make a maintenance plan for FBR by considering the characteristics of FBR. In the Japanese LWRs, aging phenomena which occur in every part of all safety-related components have been extracted based on the O&M experiences and the technical evaluation on aging phenomena. In this study, aging phenomena or deg dation mechanism which may occur in FBR was extracted based on the O&M experiences in the Japanese FBRs including the experiences of the overseas FBRs by using the three step method that is similar to one used in the Japanese LWRs. This paper reports the results of the special committee for considering the maintenance for Monju established in the Japan Society of Maintenology (JSM), which consists of engineers from the electric utilities having LWRs, engineers from the plant vendors, and experienced people from the academic circles.
