六ヶ所再処理工場におけるワイドレーザー除染 及び遠隔操作ロボットの適用への取組み
Approach to the decontamination with the wide laser and remote controlled robot in Rokkasho Reprocessing Plant
野田 静枝 Shizue NODA 梅津 大輔 Daisuke UMETSU 盛田 貴博 Takahiro MORITA 菊池 英樹 Hideki KIKUCHI
Decontaminationremote controlled robotsWide Laser
Approach to the decontamination with the wide laser and remote controlled robot in Rokkasho Reprocessing Plant
野田 静枝 Shizue NODA 梅津 大輔 Daisuke UMETSU 盛田 貴博 Takahiro MORITA 菊池 英樹 Hideki KIKUCHI
カテゴリ: 第11回
キーワードタグ:Decontaminationremote controlled robotsWide Laser
Various decontamination method are examined for reducing the generation volume of technological radioactive waste ,dec reasing radiation dose rate for personnel ,and so on during long life operation of Rokkasho Reprocessing Plant. We ha ve been developing so called “Wide LASER decontamination method”which combined with remote controlled robot to realize highly performance of decontamination, small influence to the materials, and less generation of the secondary waste. The authors introduce the characteristics of this Wide LASER, the results of deconmination test by this LASER ,and the operability of the remote controlled robot .