デジタル画像相関法に基づく多結晶金属の 多重すべりを考慮した微視的変形挙動推定手法の提案

Estimation of Microscopic Deformation Behavior by Digital Image Correlation Method Considering Multiple Slip Systems in Polycrystalline Materials
小田 和生 Kazuo ODA 三上 欣希 Yoshiki MIKAMI 望月 正人 Masahito MOCHIZUKI
カテゴリ: 第10回


Even when a macroscopically uniform deformation is applied to a polycrystalline material, the generated microscopic strain distribution will not be uniform due to factors such as the non-uniform grain orientation distribution and grain boundaries. Despite the strong need to accurately measure strain distributions, suitable method is limited. This study proposes an experimental method for estimating strain distributions in polycrystalline materials considering multiple slip systems. Firstly, a polycrystalline material SUS316L was tensiled under microscope observation. Secondly, in-plane strain distribution was determined by Digital Image Correlation (DIC) method combining Newton-Raphson method and moving least square method, and quantitatively and qualitatively adequate strain distribution was obtained. Thirdly, shearing strain in each slip systems in each measuring point was estimated by considering {111}<110> slip system in face centered cubic and normal strain calculated by DIC method. Finally, six components of strain distribution were calculated by considering the shearing strain in each slip systems. A method to estimate detailed strain distribution was proposed.
