WOLおよびDMW PD資格試験の実施方法について

The examination system for Japanese WOL and DMW PD qualification test 東海林 一 Hajime SHOHJI
秀 耕一郎 Koichiro HIDE 渡辺 恵司 Keiji WATANABE
カテゴリ: 第10回


In Japan, the 1st Performance Demonstration (PD) qualification examination started in March of 2006 and was operated by the Performance Demonstration (PD) center of Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry (CRIEPI). The first application of Japanese PD system is crack depth sizing on stainless steel piping welds. PD center is planning to start weld overlay (WOL) PD examination as a second step, and dissimilar weld (DMW) PD examination as third step. In particular, WOL PD examination includes crack detection and length / depth sizing because it is necessary to detect the crack tip on detection and length sizing test. In the detection test, it is difficult to judge miss call or false call. Therefore ASME code and NDIS0603 introduced the idea of “Grading
