Effects of non-aggressive anions as a mitigation measure to crevice corrosion in a chloride containing environment
関口 智大 Tomohiro SEKIGUCHI 渡邉 豊 Yutaka WATANABE
chloride ioncrevice corrosioncritical chloride ion for crevice corrosionmolybdate ionrepassivation
When crevice corrosion occurs in Cl- containing solutions, Cl- concentration in the crevice increases by a few orders of magnitude due t o potential gradient. This is one of the reasons why localized corrosion takes place in a crevice. If there are non-aggressive anions ( such as MoO42-) coexist in the bulk with Cl-,it is expected that the non-aggressive anions migrate into the crevice competitively with C l- and it helps to improve the crevice environment. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of the Na2MoO4solutio n compared to pure water to passivate growing crevice corrosion. Cl- concentration in the bulk to stop the crevice corrosion occurred o n the type 316 stainless steel when diluting bulk Cl- solution by adding pure water or Na2MoO4solution is examined. While crevice corro on did not stop at 80 ppm Cl- when diluted with pure water, The corroding crevice was passivated at 600 ppm Cl- when diluted with Na2M 4solution (1.92×10-2mol/l MoO42-). From these results, dilution with MoO42- solution is effective to improve the crevice environment.