SUS304L 鋼の局部腐食発生条件および進展継続性評価
Evaluation of crevice corrosion initiation condition and repassivation condition of SUS304L
関口 智大 Tomohiro SEKIGUCHI 岩金 弘樹 Hiroki IWAKANE 阿部 博志 Hiroshi ABE 渡邉 豊 Yutaka WATANABE
austenitic stainless steelchloride ioncrevice corrosioninitiation conditionrepassivation condition
Crevice corrosion has been concerned in the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, since seawater was injected to make up water level as part of the emergency action. To evaluate structural integrity, it is important to inves tigate whether crevice corrosion occurred. The purpose of this study is to investigate conditions of crevice corrosion initiation and repassivation of SUS304L. SUS304L specimens with acrylic crevice were held at constant electr ochemical potentials in 1000ppm Cl- solution. It was investigated the crevice corrosion initiation time as a function of the holding potential. Next, crevice-corroding specimens were held at constant electrochemical potentials n 1000ppm Cl- solution. It was investigated the repassivation time against the holding potential. The initiation potential and repassivation potential are in good agreement with ER,CREV obtained according to the JIS standard.