Development of laser peening technology for low pressure turbine blades to improve fatigue properties
千田 格 Itaru CHIDA 佐野 雄二 Yuji SANO 廣田 圭一 Keiichi HIROTA 犬飼 隆夫 Takao INUKAI 角谷 利恵 Rie SUMIYA 佐々木 英寿 Hidekazu SASAKI 野村 光 Hiroshi NOMURA
Cr stainless steelFatigueLaser peeningResidual stressTurbine blade
Some damages were found at the forks of low pressure turbine blades caused by random vibration and steam-flashback vibration. In this study, for the aim of fatigue property improvement, laser peening technology for 12Cr stainless steel was developed and material properties were examined. Laser peening is a process to induce compressive residual stress to the material surface. Fatigue specimens which simulate the stress concentration zone of forks were fabricated and laser peening was applied to the surface of specimens. Residual stress was measured by X-ray diffraction and compressive residual stress was formed on the peened surface. As the results of fatigue test, fatigue strength of the laser peened specimens was improved about 40 percent compared to the unpeened specimens.