Creep-fatigue evaluation and damage characterization for structural materials of advanced fast breeder reactor
鈴木 隆之 Takayuki SUZUKI 村松 眞由 Mayu MURAMATSU 槌田 雄二 Yuji TSUCHIDA 中曽根 祐司 Yuji NAKASONE
Advanced fast breeder reactorCr-1Mo steelcreep-fatigue damagecreep-fatigue testsdislocation structuremagnetic characterizationmagnetic force microscopeMod
Creep-fatigue (Creep fatigue and fatigue) tests of Mod. 9Cr-1Mo steel have been performed by varying stress holding time at 550℃. Creep-fatigue properties are affected by stress holding, and strain rate increases with increasing stress holding time.In Vickers hardness measurements Vickers hardness of creep fatigue damaged specimen is larger than that of fatigue damaged specimen. In magnetic characterization the saturated magnetic flux density and permeability of creep fatigue damaged specimens are larger than those of fatigue damaged specimen. And in MFM observation the standard deviation value of creep fatigue damaged specimen is larger than that of fatigue damaged specimen. By TEM observation, the effect of stress holing time on these creep-fatigue properties can be explained by the difference of dislocation structures.