表面加工層を有する SCC 発生試験片の応力および塑性ひずみ分布評価
Evaluation of stress and plastic strain distribution on SCC initiation test piecewith surface work hardened layer
三浦 靖史 Yasufumi MIURA 宮原 勇一 Yuichi MIYAHARA 加古 謙司 Kenji KAKO 佐藤 勝 Masaru SATO 鈴木 賢治 Kenji SUZUKI
Boiling water reactorStrain distributionStress corrosion crackingType 316L stainless steelX-ray stress measurement
In this study, creviced bent beam (CBB) test, x-ray stress measurement, and hardness testing on a specimen made of Type 316L stainless steel with controlled plastic strain distribution were carried out in order t o clarify behavior of crack initiation and effects of plastic strain and stress distribution on SCC initiation. The following results were obtained. (1) In this SCC test, it was found that only micro cracks whose depths were smaller than 50um were observed until 200 hours and cracks whose depths were larger than 50um were observed after 500 hours. (2) SCC was initiated preferentially in a steep hardness gradient area. (3) Stress distribution on the specimen after bending was negatively correlated with hardness distribution on the specimen before bending. Stress in low hardness area was larger than the stress in high hardness area.