Optimization of the exchange period of high efficiency particulate air filter in Tokai Reprocessing Plant
川澄 裕之 Hiroyuki KAWASUMI 算用子 裕孝 Hirotaka SANYOSHI 八戸木 日出夫 Hideo YATOGI 福有 義裕 Yoshihiro FUKUARI 伊波 慎一 Shinichi INAMI
exchange periodHEPA filterTokai Reprocessing Plantventilation facilities
In the ventilation facilities of the Tokai reprocessing plant, particle filters are generally installed both in air-intake nd exhaust systems. In the air-intake system, atmospheric dust is filtered and the cleaned air is supplied into adiation control led areas, whereas in the exhaust system, radioactive materials are filtered and it is discharged to thevironment. Because the filter of the exhaust system serves to prevent radiological release to the environment, a igh-efficiency particle air (HEPA) filter that a decontamination factor is extremely high, is used for filtering adioactive particles. The HEPA filter is usually exchanged with new one when the filter is carried over with particles, - it is exchanged by the limit as an anti-aging deteri oration measure in time.This report reviews the exchange period of a particle filter by confirming the integrity of a filter installed in vestigation and the enforcement of the past filter exchange results and reports the result that planned adequacy.