基調講演: “原子力発電”現場における社会的合意形成
Making of Social Consensus in the Field of Nuclear Power Station
桝本 晃章 Teruaki MASUMOTO
CommunityConfidenceFieldInformationNuclear Power StationSocial Consensus
Making of Social Consensus in the Field of Nuclear Power Station
桝本 晃章 Teruaki MASUMOTO
カテゴリ: 第7回
キーワードタグ:CommunityConfidenceFieldInformationNuclear Power StationSocial Consensus
Every thing begins from the fields of nuclear power stations and ends there. The working people in the field are the key persons to get community's confidence against nuclear power generation. In order to make the social consensus between the local community and nuclear power station, staffs of power station should do efforts daily, in open way and provide e asily understandable information continuously to the community. What should be informed? These are occurred events in the nuclear power station, efforts to operate the power statio n safely, occurred events in other power stations, and especially events possibly reported in tomorrow's news papers. Communication approach is also discussed in this presentation