水中振動試験に基づく減衰比を適用したBWR 使用済燃料貯蔵ラック耐震評価
Seismic evaluation of BWR Spent Fuel Storage Racksusing actual damping by vibration test in Water
山崎 寛人 Hiroto YAMASAKI 折田 修一 Syuichi ORITA 岩倉 成良 Shigeyoshi IWAKURA 今岡 哲男 Tetsuo IMAOKA 奥村 和恵 Kazue OKUMURA 浪田 芳郎 Yoshio NAMITA
DampingFluid-structure InteractionSeismic DesignSpent FuelStorage RackVirtual Mass
Seismic evaluation of BWR Spent Fuel Storage Racksusing actual damping by vibration test in Water
山崎 寛人 Hiroto YAMASAKI 折田 修一 Syuichi ORITA 岩倉 成良 Shigeyoshi IWAKURA 今岡 哲男 Tetsuo IMAOKA 奥村 和恵 Kazue OKUMURA 浪田 芳郎 Yoshio NAMITA
カテゴリ: 第7回
キーワードタグ:DampingFluid-structure InteractionSeismic DesignSpent FuelStorage RackVirtual Mass
Damping value for BWR spent fuel storage racks has been used 1 percent damping, which is applied to welded ste el structures in air as defined JEAG4601. However, it is considered that the actual damping is higher than that of the above mentioned, because of its underwater installation. This report shows the actual damping value of the Check Arrayed Rack by vibration test in water and Evaluation by the analysis of rack using actual damping.