Development of Phased Array Inspection Technique for Nozzle Pipes with Curved Surface
三浦 崇広 Takahiro MIURA 山本 摂 Setsu YAMAMOTO 落合 誠 Makoto OCHIAI 三橋 忠浩 Tadahiro MITSUHASHI 安達 弘幸 Hiroyuki ADACHI 山本 智 Satoshi YAMAMOTO 末園 暢一 Nobuichi SUEZONO
GelImmersion TechniquePhased Array UTSAFTUltrasonic
Inspection technique for complex surface profiles has been required in order to ensure the reliable operation and high operating rate of nuclear power plants, because many parts due to inspection have complex geometry. We have developed Pha sed Array (PA) ultrasonic testing with immersion technique which suitable to complex geometry. In this paper, we developed precise inspection technique for curvature surface profile such as a nozzle of pressure vessel. For curved surface pro file, Synthesis Aperture Focusing Technique (SAFT) is adapted to measure surface profile, and delay time calculation code for not only curved surface but also free-formed surface is developed. In addition, reconstruction of inspection resul t by surface profile is also developed. Furthermore, we substitute water with immersion technique for developed gel which suitable to in air. Foregoing method we developed, inspection technique for curved surface and swell parts is achieved.