Measurement of Inner Residual Stress of Bearing by Neutron Diffraction Technique
平井 俊輔 Shunsuke HIRAI 上坂 充 Mitsuru UESAKA 藤原 健 Takeshi FUJIWARA
BearingCondition-Based MaintenanceNeutron DiffractionResidual Stress
Neutron diffraction technique is one of prevailing method to measure inner structure of material, such as molecular arrangement and lattice spacing by means of penetration of neutron. In particular the residual stress measurement by neutron diffraction has been developed an d is greatly performed in many research facilities, because the examination of residual stress existing materials is critically important to estimate fatigue of the materials and to maintain structural objects for efficient utilization. We performed a measurement of residu al stress of bearings used for rotating equipment at power plant in the JRR-3 (JAEA) after performing loading rotation test on the bearings. The measuring machine is called RESA(Neutron Diffractometer for Residual Stress Analysis ). We used two samples, one was new and the other was fatigued by the test above. The result indicates us that the inner residual stress distributionclearly changed. We summarize this difference and consider several possible causes below. ageu. we summarize this difference and consider several possible causes below.