A Study for the Reliability Evaluation Method for the Maintenance Plan Using the Risk Information II : - Part1 : The evaluation Method of failure rate based on degraded state analysis of component part ?
千種 直樹 Naoki CHIGUSA 成宮 祥介 Yoshiyuki NARUMIYA 出野 利文 Toshifumi IDENO 関村 直人 Naoto SEKIMURA 藤田 智 Satoshi FUJITA 倉本 孝弘 Takahiro KURAMOTO 大家 慶 Kei OHYA
Condition Based Maintenance (CBM)Condition Monitoring (CM)Degraded StateFailure RateMaintenanceTime Based Maintenance (TBM)Unavailability
A Study for the Reliability Evaluation Method for the Maintenance Plan Using the Risk Information II : - Part1 : The evaluation Method of failure rate based on degraded state analysis of component part ?
千種 直樹 Naoki CHIGUSA 成宮 祥介 Yoshiyuki NARUMIYA 出野 利文 Toshifumi IDENO 関村 直人 Naoto SEKIMURA 藤田 智 Satoshi FUJITA 倉本 孝弘 Takahiro KURAMOTO 大家 慶 Kei OHYA
カテゴリ: 第6回
キーワードタグ:Condition Based Maintenance (CBM)Condition Monitoring (CM)Degraded StateFailure RateMaintenanceTime Based Maintenance (TBM)Unavailability
This paper discusses an improvement of the quantitative method to evaluate the reliability for the maintenance plan with respect to the risk impact both for CDF (Core Damage Frequency) and Plant Trip Frequency. The quantitative approach includes the considerations for the effect of the Condition Based Maintenance (CBM) changing in addition to the Time Based Maintenance (TBM), and the reliability for the maintenance plan is evaluated using component failure rate which is presumed from experimental maintenance informati on. In this paper, the improved method to evaluate the reliability for the maintenance plan using the risk information is described. An application example is also described