The Situation of Standardization about a Design / Fitness-for-Servicefor Nuclear Fuels Reprocessing Facilities
大枝 郁 Kaoru OEDA 加納 洋一 Youichi KANO 浜田 泰充 Yasumitsu HAMADA 高坂 充 Makoto KOUSAKA
Japanese Society StandardsJSMENuclear Fuels Reprocessing Facilities
We have both the national technical standards and the japanese society standards, that is, the nuclear power generation facilities codes available for the japanese nuclear power plants in terms of design and fitness-for-service. They are already esta blished, systematized and incorporated in our regulations, so that chey are referred when the design or the inspections take place at the stage of plant construction and when nspections, evaluations and maintenance have to be carried out properly dur ing the operations. In the meanwhile, although we have the national technical standards for the reprocessing facilities, the japanese society standards are not available with us yet. So Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers (JSME) who had once drawn out the codes for the japanese nuclear power plants has just started to prepare the codes for nuclear fuels reprocessing facilities with those for design and fitness-for-service. This report deals with the current status of the preparations by JSME.