
A Trial to Evaluate Elastic Waves Intensity Parameter on Inaccessible structurewith Finite Element Elastic Waves Propagation Analysis
石田 仁志 Hitoshi ISHIDA 飯井 俊行 Toshiyuki MESHII
カテゴリ: 第6回


This study details the results of a trial supporting the development of an ultrasonic testing system capable of detecting target flaw-reflected waves by means of simulation, through the use of elastic wave propagation analysis, the phenomenon of propagation of elastic waves that are input into a structure by an ultrasonic testing system, reflected by flaws, and then propagated throughout the structure. Attaining this goal requires elastic wave propagation analysis that simulates elastic wave intensity by means of absolute values, and an adequate and reasonable selection of element division methods. For this purpose, this paper considered an elastic wave intensity quantity denoting the elastic wave intensity of steel plates through the use of elastic wave propagation analysis, using an ultrasonic test on steel plates as an example. This quantity was used to predict the feasibility of detecting flaws through qu antitative evaluation of flaw-reflected wave intensity. In this way, this study comprised a trial that supports system development, showing the effectiveness of this approach. During the trial, measured values of the ultrasonic transducer are reproduced quantitatively as elastic wave propagation intensity.
