
Development of Vacuum Cleaning and Visual Inspection Device in BWR
島村 光明 Mitsuaki SHIMAMURA 穂積 久士 Hisashi HOZUMI 菅沼 直孝 Naotaka SUGANUMA 向井 成彦 Naruhiko MUKAI 湯口 康弘 Yasuhiro YUGUCHI
カテゴリ: 第6回


This paper describes development of the remotely operated device for vacuum cleaning and visual inspection in boiling water reactors to enhance the availability of operating nuclear power plants. Fuel damage can occur if loose debris inside t he reactor vessel flows through the fuel and it can become a serious issue affecting plant reliability and radiation levels, therefore, removing the small debris on the bottom head is significant activities in nuclear power plants. While it i s difficult to remove small debris on the surface of bottom head of reactor pressure vessel because of many control rod guide tube, the cleaning device which has capability to deliver the cleaning nozzle widely on the bottom head is essential . By applying this device to the bottom head of Reactor pressure vessel, the wider inspection coverage and reducing critical pass can be acquired. The configurations, specifications and applicability to the RPV bottom are shown in the paper.
