超短パルスレーザーによるFBG センサの製作と性能評価

Fabrication and performance assessment of FBG sensor with pulse laser processing
島田 幸洋 Yukihiro SHIMADA 西村 昭彦 Akihiko NISHIMURA 猿田 晃一 Koichi SARUTA 月森 和之 Kazuyuki TSUKIMORI 小林 喬郎 Takao KOBAYASHI
カテゴリ: 第6回


Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) is the periodic refractive-index structure in an optical fiber core, where the light of a specific wavelength is reflected. It can be used as te mperature or a distorted sensor by measuring change of the reflective wavelength of FBG. We processed FBG using a Chirped Pulse Amplification titanium sapphire laser. As a result, the peak intensity of reflective spectrum has been successfully improved from -40 dB to -24 dB. Heating test under operational temperature of Fast Breeder React ors is now planed. The heat-resistant FBG sensor developed using ultra-short pulse laser processing will contribute to the surveillance of power plants for seismic safety.
