Degradation and Damage of Structural Materials: Methods of Evaluation andPossibility of Their Applications to the Condition-Based Maintenance
中曽根 祐司 Yuji NAKASONE
Condition-Based MaintenanceDamageMaterial DegradationNon-Destructive Evaluation
This paper describes a collaborative study on degradation and damage of structural materials and the detection and evaluation methods of degradation and damage in structural components in the course o f the activities of the research committee on the Detection and Evaluation Methods of Degradation and Damage in Structural Materials. The research committee has been established in the Japan Society o f Maintenology since April, 2004 and has attempted to clarify the damage and/or degradation mechanisms caused by the interactions among electromagnetic, metallurgical and solid-mechanical effects and to develop new electromagnetic and other non-destructive evaluation methods that can detect and evaluate damage in structural components in order to be applied to condition-based maintenance practices.