連成解析による気液二相流中構造物の振動・腐食評価手法の開発-5 電気化学モデルと二層酸化皮膜モデルを連成させた配管減肉速度評価
Development of Evaluation Method on Flow-induced Vibration and Corrosion ofComponents in Two-phase Flow by Coupled Analysis -5Evaluation of Wall Thinning Rate with the Coupled Model of Static Electrochemical Analysis and Dynamic Double Oxide Layer Analysis
内田 俊介 Shunsuke UCHIDA 内藤 正則 Masanori NAITOH 岡田 英俊 Hidetoshi OKADA 上原 靖 Yasushi UEHARA
corrosive conditionselectrochemical corrosion potentialflow accelerated corrosionhydrazinemass transfer coefficientoxygen
Wall thinning rates due to FAC were calculated with the coupled model of static electrochemical analysis and dynamic double oxide layer analysis at the identified danger zone. Anodic and cathodic current densities an d ECPs were calculated with the static electrochemistry model and ferrous ion release rate determined by the anodic current density was used as input for the dynamic double oxide layer model. Thickness of oxide film and its characteristics determined by the dynamic double oxide layer model were used for the electrochemistry model to determine the resistances of cathodic current from the bulk to the surface and anodic current fr om the surface to the bulk. Two models were coupled to determine local corrosion rate and ECP for various corrosive conditions. The calculated results of the coupled models had good agreement with the measured ones.