Optimization of Inspection and Replacement Period by Using Bayesian Statistics
笠井 雅夫 Masao KASAI 草刈 良至 Yoshiyuki KUSAKARI 能登谷 淳一 Junichi NOTOYA
Bayesian Estimation MethodFailure Distribution FunctionMaximum Likelihood Estimation MethodOptimization of Inspection IntervalOptimization of Replacement IntervalPlant Maintenance
Optimization of Inspection and Replacement Period by Using Bayesian Statistics
笠井 雅夫 Masao KASAI 草刈 良至 Yoshiyuki KUSAKARI 能登谷 淳一 Junichi NOTOYA
カテゴリ: 第3回
キーワードタグ:Bayesian Estimation MethodFailure Distribution FunctionMaximum Likelihood Estimation MethodOptimization of Inspection IntervalOptimization of Replacement IntervalPlant Maintenance
Abstract This study describes the formulations to optimize the time interval of inspections and/or replacements of equipment/parts taking into account the probability density func tions (PDF) for failure rates and parameters of failure distribution functions (FDF) and evaluates the optimized results of these time intervals using our formulations by comparin g with those using only representative values of failure rates and the parameters of FDF instead of using these PDFs. The PDFs are obtained with Bayesian method and the representa tive values are obtained with likelihood estimation method. However, any significant difference is not observed between both optimized results within our preliminary calculations.