
Plant Engineering and Maintenance based on Risk Evaluations (Part 2) Development of the Technology Knowledge Infrastructure
太田 吉美 Yoshimi OTA 好永 俊昭 Toshiaki YOSHINAGA 仲 治 Yuji NAKA 芝尾 紘一 Koichi SHIBAO 玉木 悠二 Yuji TAMAKI 川中 勉 Tsutomu KAWANAKA
カテゴリ: 第2回


Today, many troubles such as big accidents, human errors, active concealment, etc. are occurring frequently, and have had a bad influence on the reliability and security of a human life. As a cause of these problems, lack of information and knowledge, lack of tactics to safety ensuring, lack of the strategy to safety, etc. are pointed out. To solve these problems as mentioned, the technology concerning risk management immediatel y needs to be systematized. As such a technical system, we have proposed the continuous improvement (PDCA cycle) of the business process by the Technology Knowledge Infrastructure (TECHNO-INFRA) which accumulates, sh ares and utilizes the knowledge covering an enterprise life cycle. Especially, this paper reports application of the Technology Knowledge Infrastructure to the process plant maintenance field based on risk management.
