The Activities of the Japan Nuclear Energy Safety Organization (JNES)
成合 英樹 Hideki NARIAI
codes & standardsincorporated administrative agencyinspectionJNESnuclear safety
The Japan Nuclear Energy Safety Organization (JNES) was established on October 1, 2003. ties of JNES include the inspection of nuclear installations and facilities, safety analysis and i, emergency preparedness support, tests and researches for nuc lear codes and standards, nation collection, analysis and transmission. JNES is recognizing itself as a professional on to ensure nuclear safety in cooperation with the regulatory authority, the Nuclear and ~ Abstract The Japan Nuclear Energy Safet y Organization (JNES) was established on October 1, 2003. The activities of JNES include the inspection of nuclear installations and facilities, safety analysis and evaluation, emergency preparedness support, tests and researches for nuclear codes and standards, and information collection, analysis and transmission. JNES is recognizing itself as a professional organization to ensure nuclear safety in cooperation with the regulatory authority, the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency (NISA).