疲労割れの非破壊検査性能向上に必要な重要課題の抽出 Systematic Identification of Important Research Problems Necessary for Improving the

Accuracy of Non-destructive Examination Techniques to Detect Fatigue Crack
高木 敏行 Toshiyuki TAKAGI 青木 孝行 Takayuki AOKI 古村 一朗 Ichiro KOMURA 古川 敬 Takashi FURUKAWA 遊佐 訓孝 Noritaka YUSA 浦山 良一 Ryoichi URAYAMA
カテゴリ: 第10回


The PIRT process was developed as a part of the systematic and documented means of demonstrating the validation of best estimate simulation codes in USNRC licensing of nuclear power plants. In this paper the PIRT process was applied for finding influential factors giving an impact on the accuracy of ultrasonic testing and eddy current testing and related problems required to improve the accuracy and also reports the results that the problems were ranked from the viewpoint of importance, knowledge and confidence. This paper reports the detailed results of consideration.
