
Evaluation Method of Tsunami Wave Force Acting on Cylindrical Tank
池末 俊一 Shunichi IKESUE 平井 孝昌 Takamasa HIRAI 熊谷 直己 Naoki KUMAGAI 羽田野 琢磨 Takuma HADANO 仲村 岳 Gaku NAKAMURA 戸井田 隆行 Takayuki TOITA 木原 直人 Naoto KIHARA
カテゴリ: 論文


Asakura's method is well known as the evaluation method of tsunami wave force. In this method, tsunami wave force is evaluated on the assumption that the inundation depth increases by 3 times in front of a structure. On the other hands, inundation depth is not constant around a cylindrical tank. Therefore, there is the possibility that the tsunami wave force of a cylindrical tank is overestimated by Asakura's method. In this paper, Sano's method is introduced as the evaluation method of tsunami wave force acting on a cylindrical tank. In this method, the distribution of inundation depth around a cylindrical tank and the Froude number effect of inundation depth coefficient are considered. Additionally, the evaluation methods of moments and vertical force acting on a cylindrical tank are proposed based on the Sano's method, and the applicability of Sano's equation is studied by using case study based on CFD.
