配管減肉のモニタリングと予測に基づく配管システムのリスク管理 (3)固液混相流条件下における流れ加速型腐食の減肉挙動評価

Piping System, Risk Management based on Wall Thinning Monitoring and Prediction (3) Evaluation of Wall Thinning Profile by Flow Accelerated Corrosion under Solid-Liquid Multiphase Flow
渡辺 瞬 森田 良 (電中研)
カテゴリ: 第16回


In the nuclear power plant under the severe accident, it is possible that the debris dust and the metallic powder are immixed in the coolant, and then the flow pattern can become the solid-liquid multiphase flow in the reactor coolant circulation system. In this study, the numerical analysis is conducted in order to evaluate the FAC profile in the piping under the solid-liquid multiphase flow. By using the FAC model, the mass transfer coefficient in the elbow was evaluated. The mass transfer coefficient becomes higher at the inlet of the elbow especially ventral part. And such profiles are obtained from both the single phase flow and the solid-liquid multiphase flow.
