配管減肉のモニタリングと予測に基づく配管システムのリスク管理 (2)固液混相流エルボ内流れの可視化実験

Piping System, Risk Management based on Wall Thinning Monitoring and Prediction (2) Visualization Experiment of Solid-Liquid Multiphase Flow in a Elbow
江原 真司 (東北大)
カテゴリ: 第16回


In order to clarify the solid particle behavior in a piping flow, especially to that in the vicinity of channel wall, a water-circulation loop was fabricated for the evaluation of solid particle -liquid two-phase flow. Firstly, the inflow condition upstream into an elbow was evaluated by a flow visualization experiment adopting PIV method and almost fully-developed turbulent velocity profiles have been realized by inserting perforated plates in the flow straightener tank installed upstream of the elbow. Hourglass method was utilized to supply solid particles into the entrance region just upstream the elbow, and a solid particle-liquid two-phase flow with glass particles of diameter ranged from 63 to 75 ?m was tested and velocity field was measured by PIV.
