
Influence of Chemical Spray Injection during Severe Accident Conditions in Boiling Water Reactors on Insulation Performance of Safety-related Cables
皆川 武史 池田 雅昭 (原子力規制庁) 平井 直志 大木 義路 (早稲田大)
カテゴリ: 第16回


Some safety-related cables installed in boiling water reactors in Japan are likely to be exposed to an aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) during a severe accident (SA). For examining the integrity of cables insulated with flame-retardant ethylene propylene diene rubber (FR-EPDM) and those insulated with silicone rubber (SiR), cable samples were subjected to the test that simulated a SA. Namely, after the cables were pre-aged to simulate the degradation induced in the normal operating conditions, they were irradiated by gamma rays and subsequently sprayed with a NaOH solution with a pH of 13 for 168 h in saturated steam at 171 °C. It was found that the insulation resistance per meter during the steam exposure is higher than 107 Om in the FR-EPDM cable. In contrast, a dielectric breakdown was observed in the SiR cable during the steam exposure. Visual observation conducted afterward indicates that the breakdown was caused by depolymerization of the SiR insulation.
