レーザ干渉計を用いた非接触 AE 法による 軸受の欠陥計測
Defects measurement of bearings by non-contact acoustic emission method using a laser interferometer
大田 恭史 Yasufumi OHTA 猿田 晃一 Koichi SARUTA
Acoustic Emission (AE)BearingCondition Monitoring TechnologyLaser InterferometerNon-contact Measurement
Abstract: In order to investigate the relationship between the defect size and the corresponding AE parameters, we carried out laboratory tests using a rotating machine and bearing specimens. The rotational speed is 837 rpm and the size of defect diameter of the specimens ranges from 0.25 mm to 1.00 mm, in 0.25 mm steps. AE signals caused from interaction between balls and defects are measured at the rotating shaft using a laser interferometer and also measured on the bearing housing by a piezoelectric sensor. After analyzing AE signals, we found out that the AE energy and the frequency centroid depend on the defect size. By increasing the defect size, the AE energy increases while the frequency centroid broadens to lower and higher frequency regions. It was also found that the measurement at the shaft is able to detect smaller defects than the measurement on the bearing housing.