ASMEInspectionMaintenanceProbabilistic Risk AssessmentRisk-informedSection XI
Present Activity in ASME Section XI Regarding Risk-Informed Maintenance Owen HEDDEN Code and Standards Consulting, Fort Worth, Texas, USA President Alan CHOCKIE Chockie Group International, Inc., Seattle, Washington, USA President Since 1996 Section XI of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code has actively incorporated risk-informed concepts. The risk-informed process provides a framework for allocating inspection resources in a cost-effective manner and helps focus inspections where most critical for plant safety. Based on the success of the risk-informed ISI piping applications at US and non-US plants, Section XI has refined existing Code Cases and expanded the use of the risk-informed process to a variety of high-risk components and systems. The risk informed approach started in the area of inspection and is now being expanded to other plant maintenance activities. This article summarizes the Section XI actions and the continued development of the risk-informed process to improve nuclear plant maintenance.