原子力安全、社会と共に考える -公衆との対話-
For Discussions with the Public for the Safety of Nuclear Power -Discussion with the Public -
宮野 廣 Hiroshi MIYANO 村松 健 Ken MURAMATSU 野口 和彦 Kazuhiko NOGUCHI 成宮 祥介 Yoshiyuki NARUMIYA 高田 孝 Takashi TAKATA 牟田 仁 Hitoshi MUTA 糸井 達哉 Tatsuya ITOI ITOI MRI 松本 昌昭 Masaaki MATSUMOTO MATSUMOTO JANUS 松永 陽子 Yoko MATSUNAGA 杉山 憲一郎 Kenichiro SUGIYAMA
CommunicationNuclear SafetyPublicRisk CommunicationSocial Risk
For Discussions with the Public for the Safety of Nuclear Power -Discussion with the Public -
宮野 廣 Hiroshi MIYANO 村松 健 Ken MURAMATSU 野口 和彦 Kazuhiko NOGUCHI 成宮 祥介 Yoshiyuki NARUMIYA 高田 孝 Takashi TAKATA 牟田 仁 Hitoshi MUTA 糸井 達哉 Tatsuya ITOI ITOI MRI 松本 昌昭 Masaaki MATSUMOTO MATSUMOTO JANUS 松永 陽子 Yoko MATSUNAGA 杉山 憲一郎 Kenichiro SUGIYAMA
カテゴリ: 第14回
キーワードタグ:CommunicationNuclear SafetyPublicRisk CommunicationSocial Risk
After Fukushima daiichi nuclear accident, it becomes more important risk communication with the public. In discussions with the public in nuclear safety, communication and discussions on risks that not only nuclear risks also social risks are important. Differences in viewpoints, understanding, and thought about risks become communication difficult. We need to discuss risks fairly, appropriately with the public and reduce total social risks.