原子力安全、社会と共に考える -リスク評価の活用方法とその例

- For Discussions with the Public for the Safety of Nuclear Power -Various Patterns of Risk Application Method and Examples-
宮野 廣 Hiroshi MIYANO 村松 健 Ken MURAMATSU 野口 和彦 Kazuhiko NOGUCHI 成宮 祥介 Yoshiyuki NARUMIYA 高田 孝 Takashi TAKATA 牟田 仁 Hitoshi MUTA 糸井 達哉 Tatsuya ITOI 松本 昌昭 Masaaki MATSUMOTO 松永 陽子 Yoko MATSUNAGA
カテゴリ: 第14回


Target of PRA is not calculating PRA to get CDF/CFF, but providing significant and useful information from PRA results for risk-informed activities. Lot of risk applications have been implemented these about 20 years in US. After Fukushima Dai-ichi accidents, Japanese Nuclear Regulation Authority provided new regulatory requirements about external events and beyond design events. And Risk Application faces full-scale implementation. In this report, several methods of risk application are showed with adequate risk indexes. Two examples of risk application, risk-informed shutdown management and RI-ISI, are provided. The explanation about Risk Informed Decision-Making Process is made.

