断層変位に対するリスク評価と工学的な対応策 (1)原子力学会報告書の概要と裕度評価手法の適用性

Risk Evaluation Method for Faults Displacement by Engineering Approach (1)The Outline on the Report of the Committee of AESJ and Application Concept of Margin Analysis Utilizing Accident Sequences
奈良林 直 Tadashi NARABAYASHI 神谷 昌伸 Masanobu KAMIYA
カテゴリ: 第14回


The Atomic Energy Society of Japan(AESJ) established an Investigation Committee on Development of Activity and Risk Evaluation Method for Faults by Engineering Approach. The Committee utilizes the most advanced scientific and rational judgement, and continuous discussions and efforts in the global field, in order to collect and organize these knowledges and reflect the global standards and nuclear regulations, such as risk evaluation method for the faults displacement and prevention of severe accidents, based on the accumulated database in the world. The Final Report of the Committee has published in March, 2017. In this paper, we describes the outline on the Report of the Committee and applicable concept of margin analysis utilizing accident sequences for evaluating the influence of fault displacements.
