軽水炉保全最適化のための統合型シミュレータ Dr. Mainte による ヒューマンエラーの影響とその低減効果の検討 2
Effects of Human Error and its Reduction Analyzed by Dr. Mainte, Integrated Simulator of Maintenance Optimization of LWRs 2
礒部 仁博 Yoshihiro ISOBE 匂坂 充行 Mitsuyuki SAGISAKA 小川 良太 Ryota OGAWA 松永 嵩 Takashi MATSUNAGA 高坂 徹 Toru KOSAKA 松本 聡司 Satoshi MATSUMOTO 吉村 忍 Shinobu YOSHIMURA
Drhuman errorMaintemaintenance activitiesstress check
Dr. Mainte, an integrated simulator for maintenance optimization of LWRs (Light Water Reactors) has been developed based on PFM (Probabilistic Fracture Mechanics) analyses in terms of safety, availability and economic efficiency, environmental impact and social acceptance. For the further improvement of maintenance activities, the importance of reducing human errors is often pointed out. Human errors are well recognized to be affected by mental stress conditions. Due to the amendment of Industrial Safety and Health Law by MHLW (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare), it is required to conduct stress check surveys every year for companies with more than 50 employees every year. Here an approach of reducing human errors has been studied using Dr. Mainte through the stress check surveys.