Simultaneous Velocity and Temperature Measurements inside Suspended Droplet in Hot Air Flow using TSPs & PIV

Simultaneous Velocity and Temperature Measurements inside Suspended Droplet in Hot Air Flow using TSPs & PIV
周 騫 Qian ZHOU Nejdet ERKAN 岡本 孝司 Koji OKAMOTO
カテゴリ: 第13回


Containment spray cooling is a part of nuclear reactor safety system, which can condense the steam into liquid within the containment structure to realize depressurization and temperature decrease during a reactor accident. In order to investigate the space spray mechanism, which is the heat and mass transfer between falling droplets and surrounding gas, 2-D temperature distribution and velocity field inside a suspended water droplet in upward hot air stream was measured using combined temperature-sensitive particles (TSPs) and particle image velocimetry (PIV). EuTTA dyed particles were adopted as phosphorescence sensors of temperature and as tracers for the PIV. Calibration experiments were conducted to obtain the correlation between water temperature and phosphorescence decay constant for measurement. As a result, internal flow circulation induced by Marangoni convection and air flow shear force was observed inside the droplet. Due to water mixing enhancement caused by this circulation, the droplet temperature was kept about 40°C and the evaporating time was about 1 minute.
