SA 関連の原子力学会の標準策定の活動状況
The Current Activities to Develop Consensus Standards related to Severe Accident in Atomic Energy Society of Japan (AESJ)
河井 忠比古 Tadahiko KAWAI
AESJconsensus standardsfukushimaregulatory requirementssevere accidentsystematic structure
Atomic Energy Society of Japan (AESJ) has developed various consensus standards under the policy of neutral, fairness, and openness, which adopts the latest technical knowledge to secure the safety of nuclear power plants and other nuclear facilities. With Fukushima Dai-ichi Accident which happened in 2011, our goal in the short term was to immediately develop various consensus standards as detailed specifications standards corresponding to the newly established regulatory requirements in 2015. Our goal in the mid-and-long term will be to construct the systematic structure of consensus standards that is necessary to secure the safety of nuclear energy, and then develop important consensus standards preferentially based on the systematic structure in cooperation with JEA (The Japan Electric Association) and JSME (The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers). The current status of those activities is as follows.