
Safety Requirements the Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor “Monju”
岡田 俊親 Toshichika OKADA 市川 健太 Ichikawa KENTA 二神 敏 Futagami SATOSHI 江沼 康弘 Yasuhiro ENUMA 宮川 明 Akira MIYAKAWA 堺 公明 Takaaki SAKAI 中井 良大 Ryodai NAKAI
カテゴリ: 第12回


Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) has organized “Pier Review Committee of Monju” consisting of experts on sodium cooled reactors and nuclear safety assessment in order to discuss and propose safety requirements for the prototype FBR Monju. JAEA is now researching the optimum plan in accordance with these safety requirements. Adopting another independent interlocking-system for the back-up shut-down system can reduce the accident risk of ULOHS: unprotected loss of heat sink. The heat transfer system of Monju, which is composed of three circuits, can remove the decay heat by the natural convection in the case of site blackouts; categorized as the beyond design base accidents. As for the sodium spill accident from the primary circuit, opening of vent valves for the primary circuit enable the coolant to keep the reactor liquid level which is necessary for the decay heat removal, even if two-time spill accident is assumed.
