高速増殖原型炉もんじゅの点検期間に関する課題の分析 ~(1)プラントの運用方法に関する分析?

Analysis of issues related to maintenance period of the fast breeder prototype reactor Monju (1) Analysis of plant operation for maintenance of cold shutdown Monju
橋立 竜太 豊田 晃大 高橋 慧多 矢田 浩基 高屋 茂 (JAEA)
カテゴリ: 第16回


In order to achieve both safety and economic efficiency of a nuclear power plant, it is necessary to realize rational maintenance based on characteristics of the plant. The fast breeder prototype reactor, Monju, spent most of the year for the maintenance. It is important to identify causes of the prolonged maintenance of Monju and to investigate countermeasures for implementation of rational maintenance of a next fast reactor. In this study, causes of the prolonged maintenance of Monju during reactor cold shutdown were investigated based on the plant operation of Monju. In addition, proposals for the maintenance optimization idea of a next generation fast reactor were presented to address the revealed issues.
